Mode of Payment
All payments for fees directly paid to Dodoma Media College Account No. 0150446120200 CRDB BANK, Dodoma Branch or any branch where will be found. However, the Institute is not responsible for any type of charges or taxes.
Financial regulation and policies
Amount stated in TSH
Amounts for fees, deposits, and other charges in this section are stated in Tanzanian Shillings (Tshs.), unless otherwise indicated. However, student can elect to pay in US Dollars (US$) By requesting the Bursar`s office to prepare a special invoice in US$ for the named student. The amounts due as converted to US$ are only effective for a limited time, as stated in the particular invoice.
Policy on Registration
A student cannot register for classes if he/she owes any amount for a prior semester or cannot pay the installment due for the current semester. Unregistered student that attempt to attend classes, reside in the dormitories, and/or access any other Colleges services are subjected to immediate discharge from campus and can be discontinued from their studies. Registration must be completed within the first two weeks of the class for a semester, or the student must suspend his/her studies until a succeeding semester.
Cash payments to students
The college cannot make cash payment to students if the funds have not yet been received and cleared by the college bank.