Admission Regulations
- Application should be done by collecting form at the school or where will be available and fill. Applicants who meet the minimum entry requirements may be selected. Also application forms may be collected at the college for a non refundable fee of Tshs 20,000/=
- Selected candidates are required to report for an orientation program which normally takes place during the first week of the new academic year.
- Deadline for registration of new students shall be two weeks from the first date of the orientation week while for continuing students it will be the second week after the beginning of a semester.
- Moreover, admission shall be granted to students only if they produce evidence of payment (Bank pay in slip) of at least half of the fee to Bursar.
- All students are required to conform entirely to Institute regulations and by-laws.
- Except in special circumstances, no student shall be allowed to change a course which he/she has been admitted to.
- No change of names by students will be entertained during the course of study and they will only be allowed to use names appearing on the certificates.
- No student will be allowed to postpone studies after commencement of an academic year except under special circumstances. Permission to postpone studies will be considered after producing satisfactory evidence of the reasons for postponement.
Admission requirement for short-term students
- Applications that will be considered shall only be from candidates who posses qualifications for college short term courses
- Short term students are required to register as students of the college for the time stipulated for a particular course
- Applications will be by using special forms that will be collected at the college for non refundable 20,000 Tshs
- Students will be required to pay prescribed college fees to joining the programs
- Short term students have to abide by Dodoma Media College By-laws and will enjoy all facilities just like any other student.